Football Gadgets Games on Wednesday, August 25, 2021
July 29 2021 – Joey van Mierlo

On Wednesday 25 August 2021 we organize the Footballgadgets Games! For players between 8 and 15 years old from all over the Netherlands.
Here you will get acquainted with the latest training gadgets, you can win various prizes and even get your own gadget to take home! Costs for participation: € 47.50.
During the Games, for example, you train with the latest interactive training games, compare your score with Ronaldo and fellow players and you can Prepare optimally for the new season!
The Games take place in Rotterdam, at ICHIEVE FC. You can register via:
06 40510724
Or via Instagram / Facebook
When registering we would like to receive:
First and last name
Date of birth
phone number
E-mail address
Any details
After registering you will receive all the necessary information for this day. In the event of cancellation of the participation, we can refund 50% of the participation amount.